Saturday, May 10, 2014

Tony's Tale: IMHA and Vaccines in Dogs

It’s been just over a year now and Tony is FINALLY weaned off all of his medications.  What he will never be weaned off of are the supplements that, I believe, saved his life!

Last March, we almost lost our 4 year old Yorkie/Poodle mix, Tony.  Within a week of his routine visit to the veterinarian for his checkup and vaccinations, Tony was sick.  He was put on antibiotics to no avail.  A trip back to the vet and he was diagnosed with Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia, or IMHA.  It’s been a journey ever since, a journey that will be with him for the rest of his life!

IMHA is a condition where the immune system destroys the bodies red blood cells faster than they can be made.  I’ve read statistics that show a mortality rate of 50% within 2 weeks of diagnosis, and 80% overall.  Off to the vet hospital Tony went.  After a week in the ICU with daily blood transfusions and 8 different medications, we were told there was nothing more they could do.  Actually, we were asked to either come visit to say goodbye, or we could take him home, but were cautioned that he would not last the weekend.  We opted to take him home!

In the meantime, I started searching!  I simply don’t buy the traditional medical model’s answers to treating disease.  After much research, I found a website that showed promise,  Everything I read made sense, so we started Tony on a cocktail of the bio-algae concentrates from the website, as well as OPC-3 (I’ve had plenty of experience with this for human immune issues) the day he came home.

Although he still could barely lift his head off the floor, he survived the weekend!  Surprised, the veterinarian suggested we take him in to check his levels.  His blood count was at 8 (normal is 37 to 55) and they administered one more blood transfusion.  From that day forward, his numbers steadily improved, finally holding at 46 to 48 for almost a year!

This week, Tony finally took his last dose of azathioprine.  It has been a slow process weaning him off the myriad of immune-suppressant medications he was on, and there is always a risk of relapse.  Because of this, Tony can no longer receive vaccinations of any kind.  Like the rest of my family, he will continue to take his OPC-3, as well as the bio-algae concentrates (BioPreperation 3+) on a daily basis!

Vaccines have become a very controversial subject over the last several years, in both humans and animals.  Although they have proven to be life saving, there are many potential health issues linked to vaccines.  Despite my very strong opinion on this subject, I will agree that more unbiased research is clearly needed.  My caution to you is to make sure the vaccination is absolutely necessary, the benefit outweighs the risk, and when multiple vaccines are given, they are spread out over time.

Tony and Murphy

                            A welcome sign, Tony once again leaping off the deck!

This past year has been a blessing!  Tony is back to his normal self, a lovable 8 pound dog with a huge fluffy tail that wags wildly when he has your attention.  He was a rescue pup, and took a little bit of time to get used to our home.  He has one of the most gentle dispositions that I’ve even seen in a dog, with the exception of the times he harasses our other, grumpier dog, Murphy, to play...Brian

links for this post: - BioPreparation 3+ - OPC-3